ARTEIXO – Fashion conglomerate Inditex, which owns Zara, has announced the launch of a three-year partnership with environmental non-profit WWF, through which it will finance nine ecosystem restoration projects around the world. As much as €10 million (US$10.6m) has been set aside to support forest conservation, water basin restoration and the…
Nilai Ekspor Industri Tekstil Indonesia Capai 13 Miliar Dolar AS
Kamis 01 Dec 2022 03:52 WIB Rep: novita intan/ Red: Hiru Muhammad REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA– Lembaga nirlaba tekstil berkelanjutan, Rantai Tekstil Lestari, berupaya mendorong penguatan aksi kolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan. Hal ini dalam rangka mewujudkan transformasi industri tekstil dan fesyen yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Ketua Umum Rantai Tekstil Lestari Basrie Kamba mengatakan sustainable…
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