“Sustainable Fashion” yang Ramah Lingkungan

Editor : Yohanes Enggar Harususilo Oleh: Rangga Septio Wardana dan Ristiana D. Putri KOMPAS.com – Industri fesyen dan lingkungan memiliki kaitan yang erat. Kesadaran tentang keberlanjutan alam telah menjadi perhatian banyak pihak secara global. Pasalnya, penelitian Ellen MacArthur Foundation menyebutkan, emisi karbon yang dihasilkan industri fesyen lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan…

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Tapestry joins the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

NEW YORK – Luxury fashion company Tapestry, which owns brands such as Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman, has announced that it has joined the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s (EMF) network.  The EMF’s network aligns stakeholders from across industry and supports their ambitions of promoting circularity and sustainability within their business…

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H&M links with carbon capture firm Lanzatech

STOCKHOLM – Swedish fashion giant H&M has linked up with US-based biotechnology start-up LanzaTech to launch a new capsule collection of clothing made with captured carbon emissions. The company’s sportswear brand, H&M Move, has partnered with Lanzatech to create the range of garments partly from captured emissions and featuring its…

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Sustainability is Shifting the Global Market, and it Could Save You Money

Author: Paris Carter Published: 4/3/2023 10:00:09 AM The influence sustainability has on the global market is rapidly increasing. As more and more people value the environmental impacts of their purchases, demand for sustainable fashion is quickly increasing. Companies that incorporate sustainable initiatives into their products have the potential to grow significantly in…

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Inditex to end product sustainability label

ARTEIXO – Spanish fashion giant Inditex, which owns Zara, is to end its ‘Join Life’ consumer-facing sustainability label from garments, the company has revealed in its latest annual report. Inditex says that the label, which denotes that a garment is made from more sustainable materials, is no longer required because it…

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Jokowi: Impor Pakaian Bekas ‘Thrifting’ Ganggu Industri Tekstil Dalam Negeri!

Suara.com – Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi mengomentari soal usulan Kementerian Koperasi, Usaha Kecil, dan Menengah (Kemenkop UKM) untuk melarang bisnis pakaian impor bekas atau yang sering dikenal sebagai thrifting. Menurutnya, impor pakaian bekas itu mengganggu jalannya industri tekstil di Indonesia. “Itu mengganggu industri tekstil di dalam negeri. Sangat mengganggu. yang namanya impor pakaian bekas, mengganggu. Sangat…

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Menteri Teten Sebut Thrifting Hambat Geliat UMKM Lokal

Selasa, 14 Maret 2023 | 22:13 WIBOleh : Arnoldus Kristianus / FER Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – Menteri Koperasi dan UKM (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki menilai, adanya kegiatan belanja barang bekas atau thrifting produk impor pakaian dan sepatu bekas akan memberikan dampak negatif. Menurut Teten, dampak negatif tersebut mulai dari pendapatan negara hingga ke masalah lingkungan. Adapun sektor yang…

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At the Home of Zara, Fast and Slow Fashion Collide

By Corina Pons and Virginia Furness A CORUNA, Spain/LONDON (Reuters) – In Spain’s A Coruna, two contrasting fashion business models collide – pitching the growing demands for the clothing industry to become more sustainable against the constant need to drive sales. This rainy, windswept, city on the rugged Atlantic coast…

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